Saturday, May 10, 2008

This Is For the Birds!

I think the kids wish I hadn't replaced my lost camera. First I made them stand in the field of yellow flowers for pictures. (Ok, they are probably really weeds, but don't tell Delaney.) Then we went to Red Robin for lunch and "Red" was there. So I ran to the car to grab the camera again. Although, I will brag how my kids have never been afraid of any characters like this, Santa included! Braxton's not scared, just annoyed and hungry!Good thing to keep the camera around. You never know who you might run into.


Sheila said...

Love the pix in the flowers! should blow it up big and frame it! And Braxton's face is hilarious in the red robin pix. So cute!! Glad you had a good mother's day!!

Denise said...

I actually printed off several different poses and I am going to put them in a collage frame I think. Although, when I look around, I have a LOT of pictures already.