Friday, April 11, 2008

Zoo Fun

Yesterday I went to the San Antonio Zoo with Delaney's class. We had a great and kiddos all cooperated! We arrived at the zoo around 10:00 am and everyone was already hungry. I was able to take Delaney and 2 of her friends off by ourselves. We stopped to eat across from the lions. While we were eating, the Mrs. Lion woke up from her nap on the wrong side of the den. She began to roar, but it sounded more like she had a giant fur ball stuck. After a quick break we continued our mission to find the butterflies. The girls thought it was neat how they would land on you, like those icky birds did. We were all exhausted at the end of the day. One little girl asked Mrs. Pearce if they were having recess when they got back! The rest were worried they would miss centers if they didn't get back to school in time. What a fun time, and how cute are those little Kinder Kids!


Sheila said...

Yea!! You figured out the picture thing!

Jill said...

How fun! I think it's neat that you went with them...I always wonder how our Kinder teachers do it when they take all of our kids to the zoo. Kinder teachers are pretty special in my book!

Denise said...

I have always thought that it takes special people to teach, but especially for K. Any time I am with Delaney's class confirms that!!!