Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Power Of Coupons

Have you seen the new chocolates out by Hershey's....Bliss? I have had my eye on them for quite some time now, and by wishful thinking received a coupon for $1off at CVS. So you KNOW I had to get them and try them. Well not only did I TRY them, I ate the whole freaking bag today!!! I am ashamed to say that is not the first time I have gorged myself....cookie dough, brownies, just to name a few of my victims. Yet I still ask myself every day..."Self why don't your clothes fit?" Answer: They shrunk! That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Please someone tell me you have done the same thing, and please don't let it be on a bag of carrots!


Holly said...

My obsession just moves from one type of candy to another. Right now I'm into milky ways. I've had my eyes on the bliss candy too. Maybe it'll be my next thing.

Sheila said...

I do it all the time! Matter of fact I've got a bag of sour cherries in my car...think I'll got get them now!