Thursday, June 5, 2008

Date Night

Yes.....Cade and I had a date (sort of) tonight! Delaney went to a "Welcome Summer" sleepover, and a friend offered to keep Braxton. So we took advantage of the alone time. We went to our favorite Italian restaurant, Pompei. Then we just walked around the mall. We had a late start, so we didn't have time to have a full dinner and movie date, but we certainly didn't want to go home TOO early! We sort of felt lost not pushing a stroller, and telling Delaney to keep walking so we don't run over her heels, and "No, you can't buy something at every store." We stopped at the cookie place and picked up cookies for my friend that kept Braxton, and even got one for Delaney when she gets home tomorrow. Well, of course we had our share as well....Cade's favorite is sugar, and mine is M&M.


Sheila said...

Yea for date night! I don't know how you all do it...I know several moms here that have no family and just don't get much time alone. That's got to be hard! Glad you've made friends that you will trust your kids with!

Denise said...

Yes, I have been blessed to have 2 close friends from church. I am the odd ball out because they both have FOUR kids! I figure if they have raised 4 kids, they can handle a couple more! We probably don't take advantage of the opportunity as much as we could and should.